Auditions – Grades K, 5th & 6th
Golden Elementary
Grades Kinder, 5th & 6th grades at the lunch tables 2:15-4:45pm
Students will have a staggered dismissal, depending on when they finish their audition. Students are dismissed out the front gate. Parents must physically come to the gate to get their child(ren).
- Kindergarten students estimated dismissal 2:45pm
- Estimated dismissal times for 5th & 6th by Audition Song:
- 76 Trombones – estimated dismissal 3:15pm
- Pick-A-Little – estimated dismissal time 3:40pm
- Shipoopi – estimated dismissal time 3:55pm
- Gary, Indiana – estimated dismissal time 4:10pm
- Goodnight My Someone – estimated dismissal time 4:25pm
- Wells Fargo Wagon – estimated dismissal 4:45pm