Costumes, Hair and Makeup
Beginning on the first night of Dress Rehearsal cast members will need to have appropriate undergarments, shoes, and hair when they arrive at the theater.
(Beauty and the Beast – costume-hair – printable version)
Please find your role(s) below and begin collecting your costume pieces early. Practice hair and makeup before dress rehearsal so you know how to do it when the time comes.
- Undergarments are necessary because everybody will change costumes in a large, public, co-ed dressing room. Please, no midriffs.
- Fitted undergarments help to ensure nothing is bulky and seen underneath the costume.

- Black shoes need to be completely black. Boys should have black socks.
- Light stage makeup means blush, lipstick, mascara, foundation optional. Please do not send extra makeup with your child.
- Children might want a sweater/sweatshirt to wear as they come and go from the theater.

K-3 Ensemble: light colored tank top, light colored shorts, black shoes (boys – black socks), black turtleneck, black sweatpants or leggings, blush on cheeks, childish hairstyles like low pigtails/braids
***Please label your name inside the pants and turtleneck.***
4-6 Ensemble: light-colored tank top, light-colored shorts, black shoes, black turtleneck, black sweatpants or leggings, black shoes (boys-black socks), blush on cheeks, girls: hair ½ up and curled
***Please label your name inside the pants and turtleneck.***

Wolves: light-colored tank top, any colored shorts, black shoes and socks, black turtleneck, black sweatpants or leggings.
***Please label your name inside the pants and turtleneck.***

Narrators: light-colored tank top and shorts, beige tights, black jazz shoes, hair in french braid, light stage makeup
Mrs. Potts: light-colored tank top and shorts, beige tights, black jazz shoes, light stage makeup, double french braids to fit under wig cap.
Belle: beige leotard, beige tights, black or beige character shoes, light stage makeup, double french braids to fit under wig cap
Beast: light colored tank top, light colored shorts, black shoes, makeup to be done by staff
Maurice: light colored tank top, light colored shorts, black shoes
Cogsworth, Lumiere: light colored tank top, light colored shorts, black shoes,
Gaston, LeFou: light colored tank top, light colored shorts, tan or black boots, blush on cheeks
Silly Girls: Light colored tank top and shorts, or beige leotard, beige tights, black character heels, light stage makeup, hair ½ up and curled
Babette: Light colored tank top and shorts, or beige leotard, beige tights, black character heels, double french braids to fit under wig cap, makeup to be done by staff
Napkins: beige leotard, beige tights, black jazz shoes or black character heels
Madam De La Grande: any colored tank top, any colored shorts, black shoes, double french braids to fit under wig cap, makeup to be done by staff
Beggar Woman/Enchantress: any colored tank top, any colored shorts, black shoes, light stage makeup, hair ½ up and curled
Chip, China: White tank, white shorts, white socks, black shoes, blush on cheeks
Menus, Cookies: light colored tank top, shorts, black turtleneck, black leggings, black shoes. Hair ½ up and curled.
Flowers: light colored tank top, shorts, black turtleneck, black leggings, black shoes. Childish hairstyles like low pigtails/braids.